Aztec® Programming Language
Version 1.1 Alpha 2

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With this heavy load.

- George Harrison



public class Pen from<Base>



The Pen class represents a combination of color, line style (solid, dash, dot, etc.) and line width. It is used by the Aztec drawing methods when drawing lines and borders within the Canvas control.


Note that a Pen object uses UI system resources which are limited by the OS. It works most efficiently when allocated once and then used each time a window needs to be redrawn. Allocating a new Pen object every time a window has to be redrawn could eventually cause UI resources to run out.


The Pen object also registers a pen resource with the Display with which it will be used (which is passed into the constructor). If the Pen is used to write or draw on a Display other than the one for which it was created, a DisplayException will be fired.

Pen Methods

Pen() Constructor for the Pen class using Color, Style and Width
IsValid() Returns true if the Pen object is valid
Display() Reference to Display object where Pen was created

Pen Constants

Constant Data Item Data Type Value
Pen.Solid int 0
Pen.Dash int 1
Pen.Dot int 2
Pen.DashDot int 3

Derived Classes

See Also



public method Pen(Color ColorRef, int LineStyle = Pen.Solid, int LineWidth = 1)



Color object to be used by the pen when drawing


Style for the line


Width of the line Blue component of the color (0-255)

Return Value



Constructor for the Pen class. All line drawing using this pen will use the associated Color, line style and line width. The line style is one of the constants provided in this class (Solid, Dash, Dot or DashDot). The line width is specified in pixels. The Pen object is associated with the same Display that the Color object is associated with, and can only be used with that Display.


Pen Class


public method<bool> IsValid()



Return Value

Returns true if the pen object is valid


This method returns true if the pen is valid (based on the specified color, width, etc.).


Pen Class


public method<Display> Display()



Return Value

Returns reference to Display object


This method returns the reference to the Display object where the Pen was created (the Display that was passed into the constructor). If a null was passed into the constructor, the local display is used, and this method returns the reference to the local Display object.


A Pen resource is created within the context of a Display, and it can only be used with that Display. If a Pen is used with a Display where it was not created, a DisplayException will be fired.


Pen Class


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Aztec Development Group

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